Dearly Beloved,
In this new year, be expectant of total recovery with promotion. The keys you are to hold on to according to 1Sam.30 are: You must never think that your case is too late. You must trust and obey the Lord at all cost. You must keep praising God and maintain a positive attitude. You must “fight” like David. Have a plan, be decisive and work hard to execute your dream. You must build a great army: right association, value adding Godly relationships. You must be focused, not considering your past, but connecting your glorious future as see in Phil.3:13-14.
3 PRAYER ARROWS for You Today
1. Father, in this year, let my recovery come with promotion in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, turn my ridicule to miracles this year in Jesus’ name.
3. Father, show me Your blueprint for my life this year and help me to live according to it in Jesus’ name
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