• Everyone has a Star. Your star is the carrier of your destiny. Your destiny’s DNA is loaded in your Star. If Jesus Christ had a Star, you must have one too. One star differs from another. The bible tells us in 1Cor.15:41 that one star differs from another star in glory. If your star is heavily loaded with glory, then get ready for battles that will leave your star with a lot of scars! From the story of Jesus, the moment His ‘mother’ went into labour at the manger, powers described as ’wise men’ from the Far East saw His star.
  • Prayer is powerful. God hears and answers prayers. The time to pray is now and you can pray anywhere for anything. Prayers that guarantee results are based on God's words and will. The bite-sized word-based prayers in this pocket-sized book will help you to Pray As You Go and as you PAYG, you will surely prevail.
  • Enlargement means making room or becoming bigger. It refers to growth, increase and expansion. Divine enlargement is when God intervenes and brings about growth, expansion and increase in someone's life, family, ministry, business or career. It is the antidote to stagnancy and limitation that are attacking the destinies of people.
  • God has sealed a Covenant of Fruitfulness with every child of His. A covenant has a binding force. The Creator (COvenantor) binds Himself to specific duties and obligations towards the Created (Covenantee).
  • This book is a documentation of the Principles and Practice of Entering into Covenants with God and it contains over 300 powerful prayers that will help the user to provoke the Covenant Keeping God to action. The book also contains encouraging and faith lifting testimonies of the Wonders of Covenant Living.
  • Life operates in opposites, the opposites of increase is decrease. A person’s life, livelihood, fortune or destiny can be increasing or decreasing. The symptoms of a decreasing destiny is demotion, dejection, disease, depression, delay, denial, derail, desecration, devaluation or death, whereas a life of
  • Bondage is real. Freedom is also real. Bondage is the state of being under the control of a person, a force or influence or abstract power. While freedom is the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints.
  • You are not an ordinary person, so you cannot afford to live ordinarily. You have been supernaturally wired by God for a definite destiny, purpose and plan. You are a tripartite being comprising body, soul and spirit. To function optimally,  every aspect of this super nature must be properly serviced. This book “52  Indispensable Prayers” will help you do just that. The prayers in this book will renew your body, refuel your soul and refire your spirit. You will find in it prayers that are absolutely necessary for your survival, revival and arrival this year!
  • Troubled times are real. What we are going through in these days and times cannot be covered with the veil of religiosity. The pain and pangs are real. The recession and regression are real. The plagues and poverty are real; the setbacks and sufferings are real; the bankruptcy and barrenness are real. So real also is our GOD.
  • I was praying about the year 2023. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit led me to begin to meditate on Psalm 23. Behold the wonders of the Good Shepherd began to unfold right before me. I see in 2023 the Year of the Good Shepherd when the sheep that put their trust in God shall fear no evil. This book will help you to pray the blessings of the year into your life, your nation, and all your loved ones. The revelations of the 23rd Psalm shared in this book will inspire you to Command His Divine Presence and Power; Divine Provisions and Abundance; Divine Rest and Restoration; Divine Guidance and Direction and many more in the year 2023 and beyond. WELCOME TO YOUR GOOD YEAR OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD! #Commanding2023
  • Our God is a God of Miracles. He does signs and wonders in heaven and on earth. He does marvellous works that are without number. From the parting of the Red Sea and therefore making a way where there is no way; supernaturally crushing the walls of Jericho so that His children can possess their possession: smiting the enemies with blindness in defence of His children; resurrection of the dead to show that He can reverse the irreversible; turning the last meal of a widow to a lasting meal to prove He can bring over sufficiency out of insufficiency; opening wombs of the barren as a God of fruitfulness to causing the lame to walk, the blind to see and the leper to leap for joy to announce His exclusive name as JEHOVAH RAPHA, the Lord that heals us.
  • WELCOME to year 2024! This is a LEAP YEAR. Instead of the usual 365 days, there are 366 days this year. This is an unusual year where we shall see the unusual God manifest His grace and glory in the lives of peoples and nations. It is a year to expect and pray for LEAPING MIRACLES of joy, peace, progress, promotion, new levels and great turnaround to take place. There are twenty-four thrones in heaven with twenty-four elders siting on them. Therefore, I am persuaded that 2024 is your year of DOMINION, REIGNING AND REPOSITIONING FOR GREATNESS. This book gives a powerful prophetic insight to the New Year with strong biblical foundation and revelations. The prescriptions, principles and prayers in the book will help you to wage a good spiritual warfare and secure a fruitful, flourishing and fulfilling year 2024.