• Prayer is powerful. God hears and answers prayers. The time to pray is now and you can pray anywhere for anything. Prayers that guarantee results are based on God's words and will. The bite-sized word-based prayers in this pocket-sized book will help you to Pray As You Go and as you PAYG, you will surely prevail.
  • This book is a documentation of the Principles and Practice of Entering into Covenants with God and it contains over 300 powerful prayers that will help the user to provoke the Covenant Keeping God to action. The book also contains encouraging and faith lifting testimonies of the Wonders of Covenant Living.
  • Troubled times are real. What we are going through in these days and times cannot be covered with the veil of religiosity. The pain and pangs are real. The recession and regression are real. The plagues and poverty are real; the setbacks and sufferings are real; the bankruptcy and barrenness are real. So real also is our GOD.