• Welcome to Gate 2019. The gate will open to some and will close at some people. Those who are spiritually dormant and docile will probably live through the year and see no positive difference the year has made to their lives compared to the previous year. Yet, the spiritually alert and violent will enjoy divine opportunities for progress, lifting and breakthroughs that God will unleash upon the year 2019.
  • This book details the personal testimony of the author and his wife as they battled with childlessness for eight years in their marriage. It narrates the experiences of the author as he journeyed through the darkness in search of the solution outside of the true God. The uniqueness of this book is in the fact that it identifies with what thousands are going through in their personal and marital lives. It tells stories that constitute the silent tears of many around the world.
  • This book is a prayer manual to help you break through every barrier to your breakthroughs in life. One of the greatest fruits of prayer is to experience breakthrough. Breakthrough in prayer occurs when the burden is lifted and you have that positive conviction that your prayer has been answered or when God grants your petition and you have what you prayed for. However, in many cases, the expected breakthrough does not come easily. Prayer is a battle, a wrestle between the believer and several powers listed by Paul in Ephesians 6.:12. Like Jacob, prayer can also be a wrestle with God. Anyone who experienced breakthrough in prayer will tell you what he had to break through in order to get to that point.